Custom Pentest

A pentest that is tailored to your specific requirements


The aim of this penetration test is to validate whether your system is resistant to the attack scenarios that can realistically be expected.

Depending on the industry, criticality and scope of your system, we create an individual test plan for you.

After carrying out this test, you will receive a report from us, which in turn is tailored to your individual requirements.

Optionally, we can also support you in implementing the necessary mitigation measures - from supporting your development team to setting up a resistant architecture with suitable processes.


Initial Contact

Please enter your enquiry into our contact form

or reach out to us by mail to

In urgent cases, you can also reach us by phone on +49 171 17 468 92.

Preliminary Discussion

We will work out the following points with you in a preliminary discussion:

  • which website or which APIs are to be tested?
  • what expectations or requirements do you have of us?
  • Are there any industry-specific guidelines or risks that we should take into account?
  • What time or budget constraints do you have?

With this information, we will make various suggestions during this first meeting as to which scope might be appropriate for your requirements and resources.

To make your choice easier, we will also give you an estimate of the costs at this stage.


You will receive an offer from us with a detailed description of the requirements defined in the preliminary discussion.

As soon as we receive an order from you, we will ask you to name a technical contact with whom we will determine the exact details of the implementation of your pentest.

Final Report

After the pentest has been carried out, you will receive a detailed report from us in accordance with your requirements. This report typically contains the following points:

  • Management summary
    • General assessment of the security of the test object
    • Overview of the steps required to achieve the required security level
  • Technical summary for the developers or system administrators
    • For each security vulnerability found:
    • Assessment of criticality
    • Technical description
    • Mitigation measures

Closing Discussion

This is where we present the final report to you and your team and answer your questions. If required - and only then - we will present you with further options for employee training and consulting.
