Fast-track Penetration Test

The fastest way to a pentest that meets your compliance requirements


If you fulfill the following conditions, we can reduce the overhead and you will usually receive your offer within 24 hours:

  • You need the pentest to fulfill compliance with a policy
  • The pentest is carried out in a test environment and not in production
  • Your IT department or development department can independently process a pentest report

If this does not apply to you, please consider our offer for a custom pentest instead.

Typical Costs

In 2023, the cost per application for approx. 90% of requests was less than €9000


Initial Contact

Please enter your enquiry into our contact form

or reach out to us by mail to

In urgent cases, you can also reach us by phone on +49 171 17 468 92.


After receiving your request, you will usually receive an offer from us within 24 hours.

As soon as we receive an order from you, we will ask you to name a technical contact with whom we will determine the exact details of the implementation of your pentest.

Final Report

After the pentest has been carried out, you will receive a detailed report from us in accordance with your requirements. This report typically contains the following points:

  • Management summary
    • General assessment of the security of the test object
    • Overview of the steps required to achieve the required security level
  • Technical summary for the developers or system administrators
    • For each security vulnerability found:
    • Assessment of criticality
    • Technical description
    • Mitigation measures